Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 31 Mar 2022
Foyle Foundation - Small Grants Scheme - Arts

The Foundation seeks applications that make a strong artistic case for support in either the performing or visual arts. The Arts programme has a twofold purpose to help sustain the arts and to support projects that help to deliver your artistic vision. The Foundation looks for value for money, long term benefit and sustainability in projects. Typical areas of support include:
- helping to make the arts more accessible by developing new audiences, supporting tours, festivals and arts educational projects;
- encouraging new work and supporting young and emerging artists;
building projects that improve or re-equip existing arts venues (rather than construction of new facilities, although this will not be excluded);
- projects that encourage sustainability by reducing overheads or which help generate additional revenue.
Generally, we make grants for specific projects/activities. Applications for core funding will be considered (but generally only from smaller organisations or from those not receiving recurrent revenue funding from the Arts Council or local authorities).
Applications are accepted all year round. We have no deadlines. Except for capital projects, it may take up to four months, occasionally longer, to receive a decision from the Trustees.
For more information visit http://www.foylefoundation.org.uk/main-grants-scheme-arts