Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 16 Aug 2017
Food Kirklees: website development opportunity

Deadline for applications: 12 noon on Wednesday 16th August 2017
Our vision is for the Food Kirklees website to be the most visited, most talked about, most inspiring go-to hub for all residents of Kirklees to find out about food related events, growing groups, local producers, healthy eating and accessible food at low cost.
The original Food Kirklees website was set up in 2015 and included information about growing and buying local food, and eating well. It featured some beautiful photography and an easy to use navigation, but now needs a redesign and some better functionality – specifically, the ability for members of our network and others to easily add their own information.
The original content (text, images and documents) is still available to be moved over to the new site and developed further.
We now have an opportunity to relaunch this website with the help of a small pot of funding from the Sainsbury’s Waste Less, Save More campaign and Kirklees Council.
We are specifically looking for someone who can create a self-hosted WordPress website.
The work will include:
Setting up web hosting and advising about ongoing costs and options to ensure the site remains secure and sustainable in the longer term.
Importing content from an earlier version of the website (via the standard WordPress importer).
Some redesign work, including customising (or creating) a suitable theme.
Creating the functionality for local groups to add their own news items and events via simple pages on the site*. This should include the ability for people to upload files and add links. Site admins should receive email notifications of new content and have the ability to publish or edit items using the WordPress dashboard.
Admins must have full access to be able to manage all aspects of the site via the dashboard.
* For a similar example, see: https://www.naturalkirklees.org/add-a-news-story/
The outline budget for this work is £2,000 to £3,000.
Wednesday 16th August 2017 – We must receive your application by 12 noon.
Friday 18th August 2017 – We will notify all applicants of the outcome by 5pm.
Friday 30th September 2017 – We expect the site development work to be completed.
We intend to launch the website in October 2017. It will then be the focus for information on the food waste reduction events that will be taking place throughout winter 2017 and during 2018, in addition to all other food related activities in Kirklees.
Who you will be working with:
The website will be owned and managed by the Local Food Sustainability network, which includes local voluntary organisations, Kirklees Council staff, councillors and other partners.
How to apply:
You will need to demonstrate experience of creating self-hosted WordPress websites and of managing user-generated content. You should ideally have some experience of working with not for profit organisations. Your work should have high standards of usability and accessibility.
To apply, please send us:
A summary of your intended approach to this work, including your relevant
experience and how you will meet our aims (up to 750 words).
Examples of websites you have created.
References from 2 clients who have benefited from your services.
A breakdown of estimated costs, based on our requirements and your planned
A short statement about the social value of your organisation or work (up to 200 words).
Please send your application to rachel.palmer@kirklees.gov.uk by 12 noon on Wednesday 16th August 2017.
Application process
We will consider and score all applications on the basis of:
Price (40% of the score)
Quality (40%)
Social value (20%).
We will use your summary and examples of previous work to
score quality. Your social value statement should tell us what you do (or will do) to give something back to the local area. This could be environmental (reducing our carbon footprint), social (supporting our local voluntary groups and charities) or economic (creating local employment opportunities).
Contacts for further information
If you have any questions about this work, please contact Rachel Palmer or Diane Sims:
Rachel Palmer, Recycling Officer, Kirklees Council
Email: rachel.palmer@kirklees.gov.uk or Tel. 01484 221000 (and ask for Rachel Palmer)
Diane Sims, Senior Communications Officer, Kirklees Council
Email: diane.sims@kirklees.gov.uk or Tel. 01484 221000 (and ask for Diane Sims)