Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sat 23 Mar 2019
FailSpace1: Picturing Success in Cultural Participation Projects

The University of Leeds and Queen Margaret University are hosting workshops exploring ideas of success and failure in cultural participation projects. The workshops are open to local artists and community arts participants, as well as arts organisation representatives and policymakers.
The workshop, ‘FailSpace1: Picturing Success in Cultural Participation Projects’ is part of a new 2-year research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and led by Dr Leila Jancovich (University of Leeds) and Dr David Stevenson (Queen Margaret University), in conjunction with artist and post-doctoral researcher, Dr Lucy Wright (University of Leeds). The aim of the research is to explore how cultural policy processes can better recognise, acknowledge and learn from failure.
At the workshop, participants are invited to reflect on cultural participation projects they feel have been widely recognised as being particularly successful and to assist us in creating a map of projects to explore further. Future phases will explore the relationship between failure and success in more depth.
The workshop taking place in West Yorkshire is on 23rd March at the Art House, Wakefield
10am – 1pm – Participatory artists/Professional arts practitioners [Book here]
2pm – 5pm – Community participants/Amateur and/or voluntary arts and artists [Book here]
Admission at the workshops is free but places are very limited, so please sign up as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Further information on the project and dates can be found at www.culturalparticipation.co.uk
For more information visit http://www.culturalparticipation.co.uk/