Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 15 Aug 2022
Exhibition Opportunity at the Wentworth Woodhouse, ArtWorks SY

ArtWorks are working with Wentworth Woodhouse to create an arts programme at the prestigious stately home in 2022. Through this call out, they are seeking applications of work for the final exhibition from this programme which will be on the theme of ‘interactive textures’. This exhibition will take place between 21st September - 16th October.
Exhibition Theme: Interactive Textures
This theme is based on transforming the Pillared Hall at Wentworth Woodhouse into an interactive space by using materials that trigger sensory stimulation. Contrary to the ‘no-touch’ rule in most exhibition spaces, we are interested in allowing the public to explore artwork through the sense of touch.
The theme is inspired by the sensory stimulation techniques used in activities which support the development of disabled individuals and people with neurocognitive disorders. According to the sensory stimulation theory, stimulation of the senses is crucial for the effectiveness of learning.
For information about Wentworth Woodhouse:
At ArtWorks they support artists with learning disabilities, autism or both in developing their creative practices and accessing professional opportunities. The exhibitions at Wentworth Woodhouse are a new project through which they want to provide their artists with the experience of managing and curating exhibitions, doing all the ‘behind-the-scenes’ work, to further develop their professional skills. To receive a PDF with more information about the project please email Dominika on projects@artworks-sy.co.uk
Application Process
To apply please submit the following:
Written proposal of maximum 750 words introducing yourself, your practice and your artwork for the exhibition with photos (word count is a maximum, please write your application to whatever length you feel best represents your practice, shorter applications will not be discredited)
Video, no longer than 5mins, introducing yourself and your practice, and showing the artwork which you are submitting for the exhibition
Please send your applications to interactiveatww@gmail.com
In the email, please include your name, age and where you are based.
The deadline for applications is 7pm on 15th August
Opportunity Location
Email: projects@artworks-sy.co.uk