Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 11 Sep 2018
Everybody Active - Fit to Work Breakfast Briefing

An active, healthy, happy workforce is a productive workforce and Everybody Active would like to encourage local businesses’ in the Kirklees area to attend their first “Fit to work” event to find out what other companies have done to make their own workforce more active and healthier and discover what you can do and the benefits you’re likely to receive.
The Briefing is aimed at all businesses so it will be a good networking opportunity plus it is an opportunity for creative businesses to look at how they ensure their employees are fit and healthy.
There is no charge to attend the event, but Everybody Active would like to continue to keep in touch with you to evaluate the progress you make following the event towards encouraging your workforce to be “Fit to work”.
The breakfast takes place from 7.45 am -10.00 am on Tuesday 11 September.
For more details please follow the link below.
For more information visit https://yorkshire.sportsuite.co.uk/events/2018/09/everybody-active---fit-to-work-breakfast-briefing
Opportunity Location
The University of Huddersfield
Email: simon.pugh@yorkshiresport.org
Website: https://yorkshire.sportsuite.co.uk/events/2018/09/everybody-active---fit-to-work-breakfast-briefing