Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 31 Jan 2018
Ernest Cook Trust Grants Programme (UK)

Schools and not for profit organisations wishing to encourage young people's interest in the countryside; and literacy, numeracy and science can apply for funding to the Ernest Cook Trust (ECT).
The Trust operates two grant making programmes:
•The small grants programme (under £4,000)
•The large grants programme (grants between £4,000 and £12,000).
The small grants programme deals mainly with requests for support from state schools and small charitable organisations and trustees meet every two months to consider applications. For the large grants programme, the Trustees meet twice a year, to consider applications. Currently, the Spring meeting considers projects related to the arts, crafts and architecture, and literacy and STEM subjects. Applications for the next Spring meeting must be received by the 31 January 2018. At the Autumn meeting, projects covering environment and countryside, and literacy and STEM subjects are considered. Applications for the Autumn meeting must be received by the 31 July 2018.
Previous projects supported include:
•Fleet Infant School in Hampshire which received a grant of £1,495 to buy Numicon teaching resources to raise numeracy levels.
•Rook Lane Arts Trust in Frome, Somerset which received a grant of £8, 500 to develop a project with 17 local schools and family centres to inspire literacy skills in children aged 8 to 11 - particularly boys.
•Swiss Cottage School which received a grant of £7,272 towards an art tutor and resources for an out-of-hours learning project, ensuring learning throughout the year for its 237 special needs pupils.
Read more at the link below
For more information visit http://ernestcooktrust.org.uk/grants/