Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 14 Apr 2021
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in your Organisation Workshop

Join this interactive workshop which will look at equality, diversity and inclusion in your organisation.
Over the past few years, increasing attention has been drawn to the lack of diversity in the charity and community sector. 68% of the paid workforce is female, yet only 30% of CEO's are women and the pay gap remains at 13.8%. Only 9% of the paid workforce are from black, asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, of which 70% have witnessed or experienced racism and the BAME pay gap is 20%. This interactive zoom workshop will help you consider the concepts and language used and what it means for the sector, it's effectiveness and impact.
Delivered by Dave Forrest MSc who has many years experience of volunteer management and is currently Partnerships Advisor at the Alzheimer's Society. Dave has also helped to establish and manage the first LGBTQI centre in Yorkshire and is a change maker for the mental health movement Time To Change.
Please note: This event is organised by TSL Kirklees - a local charity that gives free support, advice and training to any charity, community group or social enterprise in Kirklees - and is only open to any workers, trustees or volunteers from third sector organisations based or working in Kirklees. Our events and services are free because, like any other charity, we rely on grants and funding. If you have booked a place and then cannot make it, please cancel your place via Eventbrite or by emailing comms@tslkirklees.org.uk, so that we can offer that place to someone else and so that our funding isn't wasted.
For more details and to book your place please visit the website below.
For more information visit https://tslkirklees.org.uk/eventbrite-event/enhancing-your-organisations-approach-to-equality-diversity-and-inclusion/