Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 16 Dec 2014
Epic Awards 2015 nominations opening soon

Calling all Kirklees voluntary arts groups. Did you do something in 2014 which deserves recognition? If you did, why not nominate yourself for a national award?
From singing to knitting, theatre to painting, across the UK and Republic of Ireland over 60,000 volunteer-led amateur groups provide regular opportunities for people to take part in local creative cultural activities – the Epic Awards celebrate their achievements. The Epic Awards are run by Voluntary Arts, the UK and Republic of Ireland organisation set up to promote participation in creative cultural activity, with support from the Spirit of 2012 Trust. Epic Awards partners, who provide mentoring, training and capacity building support for winning groups, include Making Music, People’s Voice Media, Arts Development UK, Sue Isherwood and Rosemary Curtis.
The Awards are open to all groups run by volunteers for no financial gain, and nominated projects or initiatives must have place in the twelve months prior to the nomination deadline. Nominees can be based anywhere in the UK or Republic of Ireland, practise any kind of art form or craft, and involve people of any age group or background. Nominations for the 2015 Epic Awards will open on Monday 12 January and close at 5pm on Monday 16th March 2015. A Winners’ Reception will take place during Voluntary Arts Week, the annual celebration of creative cultural activity taking place from 15 to 24 May 2015. For more details on how to nominate your group, visit www.epicawards.co.uk.
For more information visit http://www.epicawards.co.uk/
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Website: http://www.epicawards.co.uk/