Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 30 Dec 2020
Encountering A New Normal - Alicia Radage

Call Out for Womxn artists to be part of an online group network/ residency.
The crisis and lockdown has put immense strain on individual artists’ mental health and creative processes, leaving some feeling adrift. For others, their creative practice has blossomed during this time and they’ve found new avenues with their artwork.
If you’ve found yourself falling into either category or swimming around somewhere in between, this is a space for womxn artists to come together online, to stimulate one another’s creative processes, to share work with on a regular basis and support one another.
This has emerged through receiving the Emergency Response Fund for Individuals from Arts Council England, which has given Alicia space to research and find ways of creating resources for neuro-diverse womxn artists.
As Alicia is a bi-polar, neuro-diverse artist, she would love to work with others to expand this research and find ways of sharing and prompting ‘new’ processes, especially now as the world is pushing us to get back to ‘normal’.
This group will be self organised with regular check-ins and sharings and be informed by the needs and desires of those taking part.
If you would like to get involved and / or have any questions, please contact alicia.radage@gmail.com
For more information visit https://bit.ly/30oCySi
Opportunity Location
Website: https://bit.ly/30oCySi