Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 12 Mar 2020
Embedding Diversity in the Arts and Cultural Sector

Artswork are running this training course for all staff to explore equality and diversity legislation, best practice and how this might influence your work. Through practical activities and discussion, you will identify ways to improve the experience of children and young people by ensuring equal access to opportunities and relevant support.
Develop your understanding of different types of discrimination including the 9 protected characteristics and explore how to create inclusive environments that value the difference in people, and promote respect. Artswork trainers share best practice and contextualise learning through exploring sector relevant examples in a secure environment that allows teams to voice experiences and concerns.
Date: 12th March 2020, 10 am- 4.15 pm
Venue: Yorkshire Dance, Leeds
There is a special rate fee of £90pp for this course (standard rate £150pp). More information at the web link below, or contact a member of the Artswork Professional Development Team on 02380 332491 / training@artswork.org.uk
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embedding-diversity-in-the-arts-and-cultural-sector-tickets-72524435539
Opportunity Location
Yorkshire Dance
Telephone: 023 8033 2491
Email: training@artswork.org.uk
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embedding-diversity-in-the-arts-and-cultural-sector-tickets-72524435539