Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 26 Jan 2022
Discovering the Treasures of the Spen Valley

The Telegraph & Argus newspaper featured a double-paged spread on Sat 22nd Jan, entitled “Discovering the Treasures of the Spen Valley” which includes lots of interesting facts about the Spen Valley and some of the famous people connected to the area. It also tells you about the Spen Valley Civic Society’s new Out and About Map.
This full-colour map shows every right of way, greenway and trail in the Spen Valley. Its reverse has detailed information about the Valley’s heritage, interesting sights, Listed buildings and Bronte connections, which are also marked on the map.
It will be useful to anyone new to the Spen Valley; to people needing some fresh air and local exercise; and to people interested in local history and finding out more about this fascinating area. In the course of developing this edition of the map, Civic Society members walked every footpath to check for obstacles or problems, and worked closely with the Council’s Rights of Way staff.
To read the article and to find out how to purchase a copy of the map please follow the link below.
For more information visit https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/19856205.discovering-treasures-spen-valley/