Creative Kirklees / News / Sat 06 Feb 2021
Directors Call Out from Film Hub North

Film Hub North are looking for Directors interested in collaborating with some of the North's most exciting new writers.
As Film Hub North gear up for another year of supporting new filmmakers in the North, they’re putting together a database of people who are interested in a career as a Director and are looking to collaborate with local Writers.
Throughout the year, Film Hub North deliver a number initiatives supporting Writers to develop new scripts. They're now looking for directors who are interested in meeting these Writers to interpret and bring their own distinct vision to their work. If you're a creative interested in pursuing a career as a Director only - rather than a Writer-Director - join the Film Hub North database and get connecting with the talented Writers they work with.
To join the database see their website to complete a short, online form with some basic information about you and your filmmaking.
To be eligible for directing opportunities you must:
- Be based in the North of England
- Be over 18.
- Have a desire to direct scripts written by other creatives, and to collaborate with Writers on their scripts.
For more information visit https://filmhubnorth.org.uk/directors-call-out-january-2021
News Location
North of England
Website: https://filmhubnorth.org.uk/directors-call-out-january-2021