Creative Kirklees / News / Thu 18 Oct 2018
Digital Growth Voucher scheme – closing soon!!!

Digital Enterprise have announced that their Digital Growth Voucher scheme continues to grow in popularity. As a result of the high demand the latest phase of their scheme will be closing early.
Apply before Friday 26th October 2018 to avoid missing out on up to £10,000 of funding for your digital transformation project.
The popularity of the Digital Growth Voucher scheme has once again exceeded Digital Enterprise’s expectations. Each time a phase opens they are bowled over by the number of businesses who contact them looking for help so that they can develop their digital capabilities.
Over the last three weeks, hundreds of businesses from across the Leeds City region have applied for funding for their digital transformation projects – such as purchasing new hardware, developing new software, upgrading digital connectivity, installing internet telephony or introducing new digital platforms, such as apps. Whilst, Digital Enterprise expectations would like to help every businesses that applies, the limited number of vouchers we have available means we are simply unable to do so.
Due to huge demand, Digital Enterprise are already nearing their voucher capacity, and as such, they have made the decision to bring forward the closing date for the latest phase of the scheme to 5pm on Friday 26th October 2018.
Of course, they are still keen to hear how they might be able to help you with your own project and there is still time to apply for a Digital Growth Voucher. Simply visit:
www.digitalenterprise.co.uk/vouchers to check your eligibility and access our application form.
If you have already started your application, but have yet to complete it, please be aware that applications submitted after Friday 26th October 2018 will not be considered.
Over the last two years, we have helped businesses from across the region to turn their digital dreams into reality – perhaps we can help you too?
So, if you are wanting to undertake a digital transformation project which will help your business grow, and you would benefit from up to £10,000 of funding, don’t delay and apply before 5pm on Friday 26th October 2018.
For more information visit http://www.digitalenterprise.co.uk/vouchers