Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 20 Jun 2022
Dewsbury Taking the Lead – Freelance Programme Manager

In September 2019, the government invited 101 places to develop proposals for a Town Deal, as part of the £3.6billion Towns Fund. The Towns Fund is part of the government’s plan for levelling up the UK economy and the overarching aims of the Towns Fund are to driver the sustainable economic regeneration of towns and to deliver long term economic and productivity growth. Dewsbury was successful in its bid to secure £25m to deliver a broad range of projects delivered through the Dewsbury Town Investment Plan.
Within this, a cultural programme has been established to:
• build on the towns textile heritage and future through WOVEN in Kirklees;
• support the growth of the existing music provision, from musicians and promoters to support the night time economy;
• support an emerging festival for the Town – the Festival of Conversations, led by Dewsbury based cultural organisations.
To help deliver this programme, we are seeking a dynamic, solutions focused individual, who has a strong track record of inclusive community led collaboration. We are looking for a freelance Programme Manager to help deliver this ambitious project.
For more information on the Dewsbury Town Investment Plan go to: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/regeneration-and-development/pdf/dewsbury-town-investment-plan-complete.pdf
For further details on the Programme Manager role and how to apply, see the brief below.
Deadline 9:00 Monday 20th June. Interviews week commencing 27th June
NB. As shown in the brief, fees are inclusive of all expenses.
For more information visit http://www.bit.ly/FreelanceProgrammeManager