Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 15 Aug 2019
Dewsbury Better spaces: Artist call our forArt wall Installation

Kirklees council is seeking to introduce an artistic intervention within Dewsbury town centre. A site has been identified as the wall between the Dewsbury Ring Road and Dewsbury Bus station. This work will tie in with Kirklees’ wider ambitions to improve Dewsbury town centre through a series of ongoing projects. The artwork will act as a welcoming gateway feature into Dewsbury town centre.
The requirement is:
- To create a gateway piece to Dewsbury.
- Create a bold, vibrant, colourful artwork.
- To reflect the culture and or heritage of Dewsbury.
- To form part of a Dewsbury collection taking into consideration and putting it in the context of the exiting works of art around the town, such as ‘The millworker’, ‘Rugby player’ and ‘the Samaritan’.
Further details about the commission can be found at Curator Space www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/dewsbury-better-spaces-wall-panels-installation/3655
For more information visit https://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/dewsbury-better-spaces-wall-panels-installation/3655
Opportunity Location
Dewsbury Bus station Wall
Dewsbury Bus station Wall, between ring road and bus station, looking on to the ring road.
WF12 8AR