Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 22 Oct 2015
Devoted & Disgruntled: How Do We Make Great Outdoor Arts?

Devoted & Disgruntled: How Do We Make Great Outdoor Arts?
Thursday 22 October | 11- 6pm | Free
An invitation from Simon Chatterton, Head of Outdoor Arts, Corn Exchange, Newbury.
"Following the success of last year’s Devoted & Disgruntled event facilitated by Improbable at the 101 Outdoor Arts Creation Space, I’d like to invite artists, arts professionals and others interested in creating and supporting the development of new work in the outdoor realm to join us at 101 on for our second annual Open Space on Outdoor Arts.
It’s been a phenomenal first year here at 101 and what I have valued most is the opportunity to gain a glimpse of how some of the most diverse and exciting outdoor companies make work. One of the most rewarding things for me has been the chance meetings and encounters that have happened between artists and the conversations that have resulted. This is a chance to extend some of those discussions and to widen the community around 101. I very much hope you can join us.
Find out more and book your free place
For those who would like to stay and network/socialise after the Devoted & Disgruntled there will be a meal and a cash bar. If you would like to stay for the meal please book by 16 October. Cost of the meal is £8 and you can book online now."
For more information visit http://cornexchangenew.com/events/booktickets/18201?dm_i=2XTM,2M4D,2AGSP4,7IYB,1