Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 07 Jan 2021
Culture Recovery Fund: Repayable Finance Round Two

Key Information
Total fund £100 million
Grant range
Minimum of £1 million - there is no upper limit (but applicants should keep the maximum budget available in mind, £100 million)
This programme is available to:
Cultural organisations that are properly constituted with a governing document. The kinds of organisations that are eligible to apply include:
This programme is available to:
Cultural organisations that are properly constituted with a governing document. The kinds of organisations that are eligible to apply include:
private companies (either limited by shares or guarantee) registered at Companies House
community interest companies (either limited by shares or guarantee) (CICs) registered with the CIC regulator
charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs) registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales
charitable companies or charitable trusts registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales
limited liability partnerships registered at Companies House
partnerships established under a partnership deed/ agreement under the Partnership Act 1890
community benefit and co-operative societies registered with the Financial Conduct Authority
Royal Charter bodies
statutory bodies and other public bodies including Universities and museums who run or maintain cultural services
The applicant organisation must be based in England and have been properly constituted, and registered with the relevant regulatory body where applicable, on or before 31 March 2017.
For the purposes of this programme, “cultural organisations” refers to charitable; not for profit; and commercial organisations operating within the arts, museums, heritage (including built, natural and intangible heritage) sectors, including independent cinemas. Please see Section 4 'FAQs: The programme criteria' for further detail.
Library services are not eligible to apply to this programme; museum applicants must be Accredited museums (Full and Provisional) or museums confirmed by the Arts Council as working towards Accreditation (see list here).
Key dates
Application Open Date: 3pm (midday), 15 December 2020
Application Deadline: 12pm (midday), 7 January 2021