Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 08 Apr 2020
Culture in Quarantine Fund

The Culture in Quarantine Fund is a new commissioning strand launched by BBC Arts with Arts Council England to support England-based artists of any discipline to produce new works in creative media – video, audio and interactive – in spring 2020.
They are looking for creatively ambitious ideas that feel that they could have been made at no other time. Commissions do not need to be about the current emergency but must engage imaginatively with ideas of social isolation. The requirements of social distancing must also be adhered to in the making of the work.
The work proposed should be novel and aim to deliver a creative and engaging audience experience and be clear about the specific audiences they aim to appeal to.
The Space is managing the Culture in Quarantine Fund on behalf of BBC Arts and Arts Council England, in collaboration with cultural sector partners, to be announced shortly.
Applicants must either be:
- An established professional artist (or artists) resident in England or
- A cultural organisation with a registered office in England that is applying on behalf of such artist(s)
Funds are for the creation of artistic works that can be initially experienced by audiences on the BBC’s online platforms, TV channels or radio stations before potentially being published elsewhere. Formats might include:
- TV broadcast or online video content
- Radio, podcast or other audio content
- Interactive content (e.g. 360-degree videos, interactive narratives)
Deadline: 5pm, Wednesday 8 April 2020: deadline for online applications
For more information visit https://www.thespace.org/resource/culture-quarantine