Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 16 Feb 2021
Cultural Education Partnership Associate , We are IVE Calderdale

IVE are looking for a strategic lead, who understands the importance of cultural education in the life of young people and who can articulate this in a clear and strategic fashion.
Specific roles:
To support the Local Cultural Education Partnership in each area to
Ensure the LCEP’s structure and planning is robust and future proof
Ensure the LCEP is inclusive and involves a wide range of key stakeholders who are able to play a proactive role in planning and delivery
Identify development needs and draw in speakers and other IVE staff to deliver sessions as appropriate (e.g. Theory of Change, planning sessions, Quality Principles, AA and AM briefings etc.)
Galvanise interest and support for Artsmark, Arts Award and the Quality Principles within the partnership.
Be prepared and ready to seek funding opportunities to aid future sustainability
Review the effectiveness and impact of the partnership
To advocate for IVE as the Arts Council England’s Bridge organisation and ensure that it has visibility within the partnership.
To liaise and work with IVE’s West Yorkshire team to ensure clear communication of the LCEPs development and any priorities and/or issues arising.
Agreed daily rate:
£300 per day for 20 days work
Plus travel costs for travel within the region when applicable
Application information:
Please submit a CV and covering letter detailing your suitability for the role to vincent@weareive.org by 19 February 2021.
Shortlisted candidates will be notified by 26 February and interviews will be on 3 and 5 March via zoom.
For more info visit the website below.
For more information visit https://weareive.org/vacancy/local-cultural-education-partnership-lcep-associate-for-calderdale/