Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 04 Feb 2018
Creative Writing Development Officer, University of Leeds

University of Leeds are looking for a Creative Writing Development Officer - detail are below.
Creative Writing Development Officer
Salary - Grade 6 £26,495 - £31,604
Ref: CSLLC1053
Do you have experience of developing and facilitating creative writing in community settings? Are you able to support learners to enhance their creative writing skills?
The Lifelong Learning Centre (LLC) delivers a creative writing suite of modules at the University of Leeds with an optional pathway for the Professional Studies degree. We are keen to further develop this programme within our remit of widening participation especially in relation to mature, part-time and foundation level learners. We wish to connect the curriculum area to our adult outreach and community development work which has developed over a number of years, in collaboration with a range of education providers and local organisations. We have a dedicated team working with local communities, encouraging and supporting adults to consider higher education. In addition we explore ways of preparing adults who lack traditional qualifications for academic study.
We are seeking to appoint a Creative Writing Development Officer to help us engage with adults in community settings. We are keen to work with community education and voluntary sector partners in developing creative writing provision which may enhance adult learner educational progression. This is a new fixed term post, the job holder will demonstrate a keen enthusiasm in working with learners who may be new to creative writing. The appointee will have a flair for thinking creatively and working flexibly in informal settings. A commitment to widening participation for adults from socially and economically disadvantaged areas is vital.
To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact:
Lindsey Fraser, Deputy Director (Partnerships)
Tel: +44 (0)113 343 3219, Email: l.fraser@leeds.ac.uk
Closing date 4 Feb 2018
For more information visit https://jobs.leeds.ac.uk/vacancy.aspx?ref=CSLLC1053
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 0113 343 3219
Email: l.fraser@leeds.ac.uk
Website: https://jobs.leeds.ac.uk/vacancy.aspx?ref=CSLLC1053