Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 14 Aug 2022
Creative Producer, City of Bradford MDC

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC) is seeking to appoint a producer with expertise & knowledge in sustainability and the environment to produce a climate symposium in Bradford for the cultural sector. The work will comprise identifying suitable speakers and a range of activities/workshops that will support the cultural sector to engage and develop their understanding and approaches to embedding sustainability into their practice and organisations. The event will take place late November 2022.
1. Contract Duration
It is envisaged that the contract will commence 29th August or as otherwise agreed by the Council in partnership with the successful candidate. Bidders must be prepared and able to commence servicing the contract from the contract start date and complete all delivery of the required scope of works by 31st December 2022.
2. Specification
We seek an individual to work with the Council Culture Team to creatively produce a stimulating programme to engage arts and cultural organisations, individual artists, community groups etc to feel inspired. The maximum fee for this event is £3,000 (£200 per day over 15 days) with a budget of £5,000 with additional funds for artist’s attendance fees.
We’re looking to work with a producer to test new ways of addressing sustainability in the arts and culture sector. It could include key note speakers, creative animation, imaginative interventions, performance and workshops. The programme will bring together the cultural organisations and individual practitioners. We are open-minded and welcome to new ideas and alternative concepts but the impact must help the sector to understand how climate and sustainability is important and can be embedded in their practice using tools, ideas and methods as an outcome of the event.
Please send a CV and covering letter answering the below:
Why do you want to deliver this project?
What do you hope to achieve?
Deadline for Applications: 14thAugust
Decisions: 24thAugust
start date: 29th August
Submit your application to: joel.mcKay@bradford.gov.uk
For more infomation please contact Joel McKay, joel.mcKay@bradford.gov.uk
Opportunity Location
Email: joel.mckay@bradford.gov.uk