Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sat 15 Apr 2017
Creative Minds North, Manchester

Creative Minds North is produced by Carousel and Venture Arts in collaboration with: Mind The Gap (Bradford); DIY Theatre (Manchester); Lawnmower Theatre Company (Newcastle); Tin Arts (Durham); More Music (Morecambe); Blue Room at the Bluecoat Gallery (Liverpool); Prism Arts (Lancaster), Headway Arts (Northumberland), Dark Horse Theatre company (Huddersfield) and First Step (Liverpool)
Date: 15th June 2017, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
The conference is for learning disabled artists, performers and film makers, arts organisations, critics, funders, programmers, curators, students and tutors and anyone interested in learning disability arts. It will continue the discussion about how art is created by learning disabled people and the way this art is talked about, created and presented.
The main themes for the first conference of 2017 are:
• How do we create great art?
• What does the term professional mean?
• How can the work be best described and discussed?
• How can we help the wider arts world to commission work?
At the conference you can see performance, film and visual work and take part in discussions. Artists will present their work and there will be opportunities to talk or address the conference themes in a variety of accessible ways.
Book your place here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creative-minds-north-tickets-31348024786?aff=efbevent
Venue is wheel chair accessible
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creative-minds-north-tickets-31348024786?aff=efbevent
Opportunity Location
First Street
M15 4FN
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creative-minds-north-tickets-31348024786?aff=efbevent