Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 31 Jan 2022
Creative & Cultural Development Manager: Scarborough Council

Salary £33,857 - £36,487 per annum
An exciting opportunity has arisen for a talented and creative individual to join the Council’s Tourism and Culture team to support delivery of the Borough wide 2021-2031 Cultural Strategy and to deliver the key objectives set out within the Corporate Plan and Visitor Economy Strategy relating to cultural development and delivery.
This includes taking forward and developing action plans to support the delivery of the strategies 6 key actions:
1. Invest in Culture, 2. Strengthen the Cultural Sector, 3. Improve Quality of Life Through Culture, 4. Celebrate Heritage, Stories, People and Architecture of the area, 5. Use open spaces and the landscape for Cultural activity, 6. Support Creative Business and Entrepreneurs.
The key areas of work will include
To work closely with cultural partners in the development and delivery of the Cultural strategy strategic action plans. To represent the Borough Council and the Borough’s Cultural sector through a variety of local, regional and national networks. To help develop and implement the Culture Strategy’s funding strategy and to play a key part in the bid writing process to fund cultural and creative projects and events. To assist in the management of the Council’s Service level agreements and contracts with cultural partners to ensure that the Council is obtaining best value in relation to cultural provision and that KPI’s are monitored and reported on. To work closely with Council departments to ensure that cultural development is maximised through the development of strategies and plans.
The ideal candidate will be an excellent communicator and have experience in developing and submitting funding bids for large scale arts and cultural projects. Have skills in developing & delivering cultural projects and arts and culture strategies, and have excellent organisational skills.
For an informal discussion please contact Janet Deacon on 01723 232570.
Apply online via www.scarborough.gov.uk
We do not accept CVs
Closing date: Noon, 31 January 2022
Interview date: Friday 11 February 2022
If we have not contacted you by Monday 7 February 2022, please assume that you have been unsuccessful on this occasion.
For more information visit https://www.scarborough.gov.uk/home/jobs-and-careers/jobs-council/creative-and-cultural-development-manager