Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 13 Sep 2021
Creative Connections Sheffield Artist, Sheffield Museums

Creative Connections is an ambitious and exciting creative engagement project involving young people, schools, local communities and contemporary artists. Creative Connections Sheffield aims to connect young people living in the city with a contemporary artist to explore the National Portrait Gallery and Sheffield’s collections. Together, the young people and artist will create new collaborative responses to portraits of notable people from or connected to Sheffield.
Sheffield Museums are seeking proposals from artists who:
Have a socially engaged creative practice.
Enjoy and have a knowledge of working with young people.
Have a practice that encompasses portraiture and identity.
Have experience working with galleries and museums.
Have worked with/are interested in working with schools.
Are experienced collaborators with an understanding of co-production.
Have knowledge, a connection or interest in Sheffield and the South Yorkshire area
Can demonstrate creative ideas for the exhibition and high production values
There is a budget of £10,000 for the artist’s fee inclusive of travel costs and £2,000 for production of new contemporary artwork for the exhibition.
Artists interested in the project are invited to submit a proposal by noon on 31 August 2021 by email to graham.moore@sheffieldmuseums.org.uk
Interviews will be held at Millennium Gallery week commencing 13 September 2021.
Please email graham.moore@sheffieldmuseums.org.uk for a more detailed brief.