Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 31 May 2019
Creative Careers Programme

The Creative Careers Programme offers a unique opportunity to radically increase the impact and reach of the cultural, creative & digital sector’s engagement with young people, and it needs you at its heart. Through a shared mission and a coordinated approach, we can all make a far bigger impact together than would be possible alone.
The Creative Careers Programme is an industry-designed and led, government-supported initiative to raise awareness of opportunities for work across the creative economy. The Creative Industries Federation, ScreenSkills and Creative & Cultural Skills, in collaboration with The Careers & Enterprise Company and Speakers for Schools, will be leading its delivery.
Through the programme around 2 million young people will be able to access better advice about pursuing a creative career, and leading organisations and individuals from across the creative industries will engage with more than 160,000 school-age students by March 2020.
Skills shortages and risks to the talent pipeline are among the most urgent challenges facing the UK’s creative industries. There is a lack of awareness among young people and those who influence them about opportunities for work within the creative economy and how to pursue them, which has limited the talent and diversity of those entering the sector.
How to Get Involved
Your support, time and expertise are essential to the success of the programme, and there are many ways in which you can get involved.
- Leading industry figures are encouraged to give their time by delivering inspiring assembly talks through Speakers for Schools. Speakers for Schools arrange for the UK’s top industry leaders to deliver inspirational talks in state secondary schools, giving students opportunities to hear more about our sector. Please contact Speakers for Schools directly for more information, or to join the network, by emailing carly.wilkinson@speakers4schools.org
- Provide work experience placements to young people who wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity with the help of S4SNextGen. Speakers for Schools make it possible for busy, top sector firms and institutions to host state school students for work experience through S4SNext Gen. Please contact Programme Manager Oli Wells for more for more information on how they can help with your placements. oli.wells@speakers4schools.org
- Offer industry insight and advice to a local school by becoming an Enterprise Adviser. An Enterprise Adviser is a volunteer from business who works closely with the headteacher or Senior Leadership Team of a school or college to provide strategic support. An Enterprise Adviser uses their business experience and professional networks to help develop and implement an effective careers strategy that puts opportunities with local employers at the heart of a young person’s education. Find out more about becoming an Enterprise Adviser and express your interest, google - The Careers & Enterprise Company.
- Open up your doors as part of a new national week in which hundreds of employers host young people. The week will provide an opportunity for young people to learn more about what takes place in our sector and diversity of opportunities for work within it. Please sign up to the Creative Careers Programme newsletter list for further information, or to express your interest at this stage please email info@ccskills.org.uk
- Partner up to deliver a series of immersive events with young people. Creative Industries Federation will be partnering with creative businesses and organisations to deliver a series of immersive events for 11-16 year olds, with the aim of inspiring them to learn more about the creative industries and what might be possible with creative skills when they leave school. If you are interested in delivering an event, or already offer something similar and might be able to share your expertise, please contact annie@creativeindustriesfederation.com
- Ensure that your organisation’s engagement with young people is spotlighted and shared by updating Creative Industries Federation with the work that you are already doing to help young people learn more about our sector and the kind of work that they could go in to. Please send information about your work to annie@creativeindustriesfederation.com
For more information visit https://www.creativeindustriesfederation.com/