Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 31 Jan 2020
Contemporary Art Commission Open Call, East Riding of Yorkshire

East Riding Visual Arts Uplift is offering a contemporary artistic commission in collaboration with Sewerby Hall and Gardens for the year 2020.
There is an all inclusive commission fee of £8,000 available to the shortlisted artist to create a piece of contemporary artwork that is site specific and fits the stated artistic brief.
The work proposed and produced must be contemporary art, that is both challenging and of a high quality. Artists can add their own style, create something that showcases what they do as an artist to intrigue the audience and bring a taste of contemporary visual art to the East Riding.
It is envisaged the piece will be installed on site at Sewerby Hall and Gardens in June 2020 for an agreed duration with the potential for an accompanying exhibition/workshops from the artist.
This commission is a part of the East Riding Visual Arts Uplift’s commitment to showcasing and integrating contemporary art into the region.
The closing date for applications is Friday 31st January 2020, visit eastridingmuseums.co.uk/sewerbyartcommission to download an application form or email Lauren at Lauren@mudstresscoffee.com
For more information visit https://www.eastridingmuseums.co.uk/exhibits-and-collections/sewerby-hall-contemporary-art-commission/
Opportunity Location
East Riding of Yorkshire
Email: lauren@mudstresscoffee.com
Website: https://www.eastridingmuseums.co.uk/exhibits-and-collections/sewerby-hall-contemporary-art-commission/