Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 30 Nov 2021
Consultant - Cultural Strategy Development, Wentworth Woodhouse

An Invitation to tender
Something very exciting is happening in South Yorkshire and you are invited to play your part in transforming the cultural landscape of this incredible region.
The New Life of Wentworth Woodhouse, as it emerges as Britain’s greatest heritage restoration project, will provide an opportunity to excite and inspire audiences from across the UK and beyond.
You are invited to help Wentworth Woodhouse to burst onto the cultural map as a centre for rich, vibrant and imaginative programming and world-class planning.
Transforming Lives through the provision of a vast range of high-quality, dynamic cultural experiences.
They want to create a collective vision, to collaborate with others, to nurture and invest in talent and help more people to participate in life-enhancing creativity and culture.
Here is your chance to position culture at the heart of the Wentworth story as you work with them, their stakeholders, leading cultural funders, cultural partners and artists and their communities to create the
Wentworth Woodhouse 10 year Cultural Strategy
It is important to us that as we develop our cultural strategy, that we do so in a fair and equal way, offering everyone the opportunity to be part of the process.
This means whilst they recognise that national bodies and organisations will play a really important part in this strategic plan, they want to ensure that their communities representing the workers, makers and creators that built the borough get to have their say too. Rotherham’s unique and distinctive cultural identity is a melting pots of cultures and traditions. However ambitious their strategy may be, they want to ensure it brings them closer, creates lasting bonds across communities, celebrates who they are and provides inspiration and curiosity on a global scale.
Maximum budget for this commission: £10,000 before any applicable VAT
Estimated duration of contract: 12 weeks
Contract completion date: To be confirmed at inception meeting but ideally by the end of March 2022
Lead contact during the contract: Sarah McLeod, CEO, email: