Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 23 May 2016
Community Engagement & Research Commission: Hidden Wakefield

Wakefield Arts Partnership (WAP) is seeking to appoint an Artist to undertake a community engagement project in the Wakefield District, West Yorkshire. The overall aim of the project is to creatively engage Wakefield communities in a dialogue about place - gathering and stimulating the sharing of information and stories that highlight local distinctiveness. WAP intend that the outputs of this commission will in the future inform the development of an independent/ alternative cultural guide to the Wakefield district (please note the development of the guide itself is beyond the scope of this brief and will be managed by WAP and is to be informed by this Artist project process and outcomes). The fee available for this commission is £12,000.00 (plus VAT if applicable). This is inclusive of artist fees and all associated fabrication materials and expenses.
Further details and how to apply via Curator Space: http://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/community-engagement--research-artist-commission--hidden-wakefield/686
For more information visit http://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/community-engagement--research-artist-commission--hidden-wakefield/686