Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 16 Aug 2021
Community Engagement - Consultant Opportunity: Hebden Bridge

Community Engagement - Consultant Opportunity - Hebden Bridge Community Association
Job Type: Contract Type: Freelance
Salary: £5,000
The purpose of this consulting opportunity is:
To plan, develop, deliver and evaluate a series of inclusive community engagement activities, events and workshops (both face-to-face and online) to form a well-rounded and cohesive portfolio of community consultation in relation to the future use(s) of the Old Building - the Grade II listed part of the Town Hall site.
Connecting and networking with a wide range of prospective and existing building users and stakeholders this role will work alongside and feed into current activity taking place within the Town Hall building.
More information is available on the website below.
Please send a covering letter and CV to graham@hebdenbridgetownhall.org.uk.
If you have any specific enquiries please ring 01422 417300 to speak to Graham Mynott
Graham Mynott
Executive Director
For more information visit https://hebdenbridgetownhall.org.uk/news/consultant-opportunity
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01422 417 300
Email: graham@hebdenbridgetownhall.org.uk
Website: https://hebdenbridgetownhall.org.uk/news/consultant-opportunity