Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 14 Dec 2015
Community Commissions - Yorkshire Festival 2016

Yorkshire Festival 2016 will feature national and international artists and companies, alongside a wealth of regional performers, musicians and makers.
Yorkshire Festival are inviting artists, arts organisations and members of the creative industries to propose works to be commissioned in response to a brief outlined on their website. This open call is one of several ways in which artists and artworks are being identifed for the programme.
They are seeking creative ideas that are high quality and captivating. They should be engaging and accessible, but can also be challenging and thought provoking. Proposals can include any type of artistic activity, such as the use of visual arts, light, sound, projections, music, performing and live arts, written and spoken word.
Funding: Awards of up to £10,000. Proposals must have at least 50% match funding in place. Up to half of match funding can be in kind. Their funding can be used as match for Grants for The Arts applications.
Projects must have a manifestation during the Yorkshire Festival dates 16 June – 3 July but can include elements that occur outside these dates.
Read the full brief on the website below.
For more information visit http://festival.yorkshire.com/join-in-and-downloads/fringe-events/community-commissions-brief