Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 21 Apr 2017
Communications Consultant wanted for Comoodle (Kirklees Council)

Comoodle are looking for a Communications Consultant (company or individual) to work with them to deliver 3 local marketing campaigns. Details are below:
Comoodle is a website where people can share stuff, space and skills. In simple terms, people list what they have to share on Comoodle and others arrange to borrow stuff and spaces or learn new skills. Things are offered by the public sector, community groups, individuals and local businesses. Things are requested by community organisations, informal groups or individuals who are doing something for the benefit of communities in Kirklees. It’s saving money and time, and getting more use out of resources.
Comoodle needs to attract a critical mass in terms of users in the next 6 months and we’re now ready to raise its profile beyond our current networks. We’re looking to hire a company/individual to deliver a series of 3 local marketing campaigns that turn local businesses and community projects into members and active users of the platform.
The role
For the first campaign, we want to focus on space sharing - we have some great case studies to demonstrate how Comoodle is encouraging building owners to make their vacant spaces available to different organisations and groups. The subsequent campaign themes will be determined in conjunction with the successful consultant.
You will liaise with the Comoodle team to plan and deliver campaign activity that is designed to meet our outcomes (below). Whilst we’re looking for the successful applicant to propose the campaign activity, we know that as part of this work we want video content and digital imagery for each campaign, which features up to 4 of our case studies per campaign. We’d be looking for this content to be used as part of the campaign and shared with us in editable format for future use online.
Once each campaign is signed off we’d be looking for you to deliver it within agreed timescales, providing us with a brief weekly update of activity and an evaluation report with recommendations at the end of the campaign.
Rough timescales for the 3 campaigns are as follows:
Campaign 1 – May/June
Campaign 2 – July/August
Campaign 3 – September/October
The outline budget for this work is £3,500 to £5,000 per campaign.
As well as raising a general awareness of Comoodle across the targeted audiences for each campaign we are specifically looking to:
- Increase the number of non-council building owners offering space by 100*
- Increase shares in this area by 25*
- Attract a minimum of 100 new sign ups on the platform per campaign (mix of people offering items and people wanting to share from others)
*campaign specific outcome; will be altered for each campaign.
What we’re looking for and how to apply
You will need to have a solid background gained within communications, ideally with experience of the not for profit sector. You’ll have a good track record with the regional media and have great copywriting skills as well as experience of producing short videos for social media.
To apply, please supply:
• A summary (maximum of 750 words) of your experience in the areas covered above, namely:
- Running campaigns aimed at specific audiences such as voluntary and community sector and/or business
- Creating engaging video clips/photography for use digitally
• Examples of campaigns you have delivered
• References from 2 clients who have benefited from your services
• A breakdown of estimated costs based on the activity you would recommend and the items we have specifically asked for, shown per campaign
• A demonstration of the social value of your organisation or work (more details below)
Please send this to Pressoffice@kirklees.gov.uk by 5pm Friday 21 April. If you have any questions before this, you can contact Alun Ireland via the email above or call 01484 221000.
Application process
Applications will be considered and scored on the basis of price (60% of the score), quality (30%) and social value (10%). We will use summary and examples of previous work to score quality. Social value refers to what you/your organisation does, or will do, to contribute to give back to the local area – it could be economic (local employment), environmental (reducing carbon footprint) or social (supporting local charities or groups).
Once we have evaluated the bids we will invite the highest scoring to an interview on Wednesday 3 May and appoint by the end of that week. If you are invited to interview we will let you know by Tuesday 26 April. At interview we will be asking attendees to present their outline ideas for the first campaign.
We would be looking to hold the first meeting with the successful application wc 8 May.
For more information visit https://www.comoodle.com/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01484 221 000
Email: pressoffice@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: https://www.comoodle.com/