Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 04 Sep 2020
Commission Opportunity for Northern-Based Writers

Harris Young Producers are looking to commission a Northern-based writer to produce a 500 word review on the exhibition, More T'North, at The Harris Museum & Gallery, Preston.
MORE T’NORTH was curated by the Harris Young Producers, a group of young creatives based in and around Preston, who meet weekly to develop their own new and exciting creative projects. Fifteen emerging artists were selected to bring a collection of fresh, contemporary work to the historical setting of the Harris, to form a bold and colourful exhibition showcasing new northern talents.
Harris Young Producers are looking for an emerging writer (ideally in the first 5yrs of their career) based in the North of England to come in and write a 500 word review our More T'North exhibition.
More information at Curator Space
For more information visit https://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/commission-opportunity-for-northernbased-writers/4764