Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 31 Mar 2021
Comic Relief Capacity Building Grants

The capacity building grants will support a wide range of activities, such as:
Developing better organisational governance through training of your trustees,
Reviewing or updating your policies and procedures to take into account any new ways of working due to the crisis,
Increasing your understanding of the needs of your beneficiaries both during and after the crisis and developing ways to best support them,
Increasing your organisational delivery capacity through additional volunteer recruitment, staff training or new equipment to enable your organisation to deliver services in different ways.
Developing strategies to support your organisation to rebuild moving forward (for example fundraising strategies, developing delivery plans, exploring how you can work in different ways etc.).
Capacity building grants do not require match funding and are available as a rolling programme with decisions made within 6 weeks of the application. Funding should be spent within 6 months of receiving the award.
Deadline: Rolling programme
For more information visit https://www.groundwork.org.uk/apply-for-a-grant/national-grants/comic-relief-community-grants/comic-relief-apply-for-capacity-grant