Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 28 Jun 2020
Co-op Local Community Fund Accepting Applications

Funding for projects which benefit local communities centred around Co-op food stores and funeral homes across the UK and Isle of Man.
This is an annual fund which opens for applications once a year. The funding aims to help communities to come together, co-operate and have a positive impact on community wellbeing – physically and virtually.
To be eligible, projects must address at least one of the following:
Bring the community together to help those in need, providing access to life’s essentials such as community spaces, food and bereavement support.
Support the mental and physical health of others through community wellbeing activities.
Enable people to develop or share their skills to foster community spirit and build resilient communities for the future.
Projects or events must take place in the UK or Isle of Man, benefit the local community, and take place or will still be running after November 2021. They must also meet the Co-operatives values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. (In the tradition of their founders, Co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.)
No minimum or maximum amount of funding is specified. The funding will be made in two payments: April 2021 and November 2021.
The deadline for applications is 28 June 2020 (midnight)
For more details and to make an application, please visit the website below.
For more information visit https://causes.coop.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Website: https://causes.coop.co.uk/