Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 21 Apr 2017
CASTING CALL: Pop-Up Shakespeare, Front Room Productions

Front Room Productions have put out a casting call for actors to be part of their Shakespearean troupe. Read more from Front Room Productions below:
Come be part of our Shakespearean troupe. Popping up in Leeds Market as part of Love Your Local Market Week. We will perform a range of Shakespeare scenes: from the mechanicals' silliness in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', to the iconic balcony love confession of 'Romeo and Juliet', to the dramatic plotting of 'Macbeth'.
Deadline for casting submission: Friday 21st April
Date of audition: Friday 28th April. Location: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.
Dates of Pop-Up Performances
Monday 22nd– Saturday 27th May. Location: Kirkgate Market, Leeds.
Performances will take place during the working hours of the market.
Dates of Rehearsals
Tuesday 2nd May – Huddersfield
Friday 19th & Saturday 20th May – Kirkgate Market, Leeds
Fee or expenses
£650 total fee. No subsistence. All actors must be based locally, or willing to cover own costs to be temporarily located in West Yorkshire.
We hope to meet enthusiastic and dedicated actors to become part of our Shakespeare troupe. They should have a desire to work in non-traditional spaces, and a confidence to perform a range of different Shakespeare characters in the middle of a bustling market, with a diverse audience. Immersive and site-specific experience is desirable, but not essential, as we welcome actors with any amount of experience. Actor-musicians are also desirable, but again not essential. We would like to meet artists who have a base in the Yorkshire area, and who reflect the diverse audience we will be performing to.
For character breakdowns and more information please visit: https://www.frontroomproductions.co.uk/casting-call
For more information visit https://www.frontroomproductions.co.uk/casting-call
Opportunity Location
Huddersfield & Leeds
Email: frontroomproductions2015@gmail.com
Website: https://www.frontroomproductions.co.uk/casting-call