Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 11 Jan 2017

Can you support Pitch for Investment at Kirklees College?

Can you support Pitch for Investment at Kirklees College?

The Peter Jones Enterprise Academy at Kirklees College is holding their annual Pitch For Investment event on Mon 30th Jan.

Now in their third year of running they have a cohort of young entrepreneurs – many of whom are already trading. They are very motivated and driven and sometimes they just need some advice or guidance from a business mentor, to take things to the next level.

They are looking for people to be involved in multiple ways:

• Being on the panel and giving feedback to the pitches (can be done on the day in real time).

• Offering mentoring – i.e. help and advice in a variety of areas including: social media, website design, insurance, health and safety, retail, fashion, legal (this may be a phone-call or considerably longer depending on your availability)

• Financial investment (amounts do not exceed £1,000 many are much smaller)

• Additional investment such as the offer of hot-desking or equipment loans or skill swops

If you feel that you might able to support this event get in touch with Lydia Butterworth, Head of Enterprise at Kirklees College.

Phone: 01484 437 000 x7627

News Location

Kirklees College

Huddersfield Centre
Waterfront Quarter
Manchester Road

Telephone: 01484 437 000

News Details


