Can you help young Producers bring their ideas to life? Pledge today: crowdfunder.co.uk/paper-peace
A team of 48 young producers aged 18 to 25 around the country have been working for a year on training and heritage programme Paper Peace. All the hard work done will culminate in a large-scale, day-long free arts event which is going to take over Dewsbury’s town square, streets and marketplace on Saturday 9 November 2019 and go on to tour the country. It will be a response to the many attempts at fracturing our communities, from hate-speech to economic marginalisation. It will inspire people from our community to contribute to peacebuilding in their everyday lives, celebrating diversity and working together as a community.
But their ideas are still growing, the young producers across England, want to work with poets from each of their communities to create a national Peace Poem, translate it into every language spoken in their communities, and turn it into a public artwork for everyone to experience. They also want to turn their extensive research into a month-long artwork to sit in Dewsbury town centre in the lead up to the main event on the 9 November.
To give this group of Young Producers the best possible start to their careers, Emergency Exit Arts have launched a national fundraiser and are able to work together to transform communities into a celebration of peace.
All donations matter to our team of Young Producers and no matter the contribution it will be hugely appreciated!
If you’re able to donate then please visit www.crowdfunder.co.uk/paper-peace to pledge.