Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 02 Dec 2019
Call-Out for Project Manager - Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

Artist/consultant brief for production of video of families from across Kirklees singing Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in the 12 most commonly spoken languages in the region.
Kirklees Council, is looking to commission an individual or organisation to deliver this project. This can be carried out in collaboration with a videographer and vocal specialist or independently if you have the required skills. We are looking to create a video for use by Kirklees Early Years, Kirklees Libraries and MUSiK - Music in Kirklees online.
This programme links in with the Kirklees Councils ambition to encourage communities’ involvement in music across district with families from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. To improve family awareness of the importance of music in early language development and the offers that are available from Libraries and Early Years settings.
We are looking for an individual or organisation to project manage and deliver Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in collaboration with a videographer and vocal practitioner experienced in working with children age birth to 5 and their families.
Project manager role (the project manager role could also be carried out by the videographer or vocal specialist) –
• To appoint suitably qualified videographer and vocal practitioner
• To meet with staff from Kirklees Libraries and the Early Years Outcomes team
to ensure understanding and expectations for the video content
• Research and find suitable families to engage in the programme
• Timetable the filming
• Evaluate the programme and report back to Kirklees Libraries, Early Years and
MUSiK teams.
• Work with the support of Community HUBs, to find 12 to 15 families to
perform Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in the following languages –
NB. This list is not definitive list, up to 15 languages can be used in the final production.
Videographer role –
• To ensure families are comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera
• To produce a film edited in two versions - a long (Full verse in each language)
and a short mix (Cut by lines of the song) with subtitles in each language
Vocal practitioner –
• To coach the family in confidently performing the song in their language
ensuring each performance is a uniform speed.
Personal attributes -
• The videographer and vocal practitioner must have an enhanced DBS check.
• Must have a good understanding of equality and diversity.
• Have experience of working with families and early years (birth to five)
• Make participants feel at ease in front of the camera.
Resources available
Support from the Community HUB coordinators, who will help you approach suitable families.
• January 2019 - Selecting suitable families and requesting the required
• February 2020 - filming
• 13th March 2020 – final edit and evaluation deadline
Total Fee: Up to a maximum of £5,000, including VAT & all expenses
To Apply
Submit a maximum of 2 A4 pages with a description of how you would approach this brief and a breakdown of costs. In addition, include all CVs and examples of similar work relevant to this brief.
Emphasis in the assessment will be on the approach to be taken to the brief, relevant experience, delivery timetable and cost.
Deadline to apply
Proposal should be received by Email no later than midday on 2nd December 2019.
Return your application to Becky Pugh at Kirklees Council becky.pugh@kirklees.gov.uk and cc music@kirklees.gov.uk.
For further information contact Becky Pugh at becky.pugh@kirklees.gov.uk or 01484 221000.
For more information visit http://musicinkirklees.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01484 221 000
Email: music@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: http://musicinkirklees.co.uk/