Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 04 Sep 2015
Call out for companies and artists, Junction, Goole

Takeover Festival March 2016
Seeking theatre companies, dance companies, musicians, artists, performers and workshop leaders for Junction Goole’s TakeOver Festival in partnership with Marshlands Primary School.
MarshlandsPrimary School, Goole are booking 2 weeks of arts events at Junction under their theme of cabinet of curiosities. The children are keen that it encompasses a range of arts activity covering fantasy and myth, space and dinosaurs. We are calling for submissions of work from theatre companies, dance companies, musicians, artists, performers and workshop leaders. We’d like to know what you may have available for the festival. The festival takes place from 7 – 19 March 2016 so any work would need to be available during this time.
The children will be reading the material sent through and selecting the events for the festival – so any submissions should be sent with them in mind. Submissions of available work and cost should be sent with any images, dvd or links to online video and child friendly information should be sent to NicolaDixon, Youth and Community Arts Co-ordinator at Junction, Goole by email nicola.gtc@btconnect.com or by post Nicola Dixon, TakeOver Festival, Junction, Paradise Place, Goole DN14 5DL by Friday 4 September.
The children will be selecting the programme for the festival when they are back in school in September, and it could be the children contacting you to make a booking!
For more information visit http://www.junctiongoole.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Junction Arts
Paradise Place
DN14 5DL
Email: nicola.gtc@btconnect.com
Website: http://www.junctiongoole.co.uk/