Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 27 Mar 2017
Call for 2017 Handmade Parade Interns & Trainees

Handmade Parade is looking for 4 paid interns and 4 unpaid trainees to immerse themselves in their work for 2017. This long-term training/volunteering opportunity spans both signature events – Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade in June, and Todmorden Lamplighter festival in November, culminating in the 10th anniversary symposium, Parading the North, in early December.
The intern position is available for artists who have already demonstrated their interest and skill in parade and celebrations arts and/or participatory art and who would like the opportunity to specifically work with the team to expand their experience. It's hoped that, at the end of this program, these artist will be very well positioned to find find further work with Handmade Parade or similar organisations.
The trainee position is available for artists at the start of their careers, in transition from another discipline or local volunteers who would like the opportunity to build their skills.
Follow the links below to see the brief for each position:
Iinterns: http://handmadeparade.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Call-for-Interns-2017.pdf
Trainees: http://handmadeparade.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Call-for-Trainees-2017.pdf
Deadline to apply is 27 March, 2017.
For more information visit http://handmadeparade.co.uk/call-for-2017-handmade-parade-interns-trainees
Opportunity Location
Hebden Bridge & Todmorden
Website: http://handmadeparade.co.uk/call-for-2017-handmade-parade-interns-trainees