Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 27 Feb 2018
Cafe Economique – Who Funds the Arts and Why?

Tuesday 6 March 7.30pm £4 (on the door)
Who Funds the Arts and Why?
Seven Artspace, Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton, Leeds, LS7 3PD
Session chaired by Professor Chris Bailey
Unlike the usual Cafés, there will be a panel comprising a Chair and six panellists who hold influential positions in the arts world. It is the purpose of this event to explore the economics of the arts and the extent to which they are available, accessible, affordable and sustainable.
Panellists: Keranjeet Virdee (SAA-UK), Pete Massey (Arts Council Y&H), Prof Geetha Upadyaya (Leeds Beckett Uni - formerly Kala Sangam), Dr Karen Burland (Head of Music - Leeds Uni), Sharon Watson (Artistic Director - Phoenix Dance), Silviu Cabeanu (School of Music - Leeds Uni)
For more details please follow the link below:
For more information visit http://www.sevenleeds.co.uk/event/cafe-economique-who-funds-the-arts-and-why/