Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 17 Nov 2015
Board Income Workshop (North West) - Tuesday 17 November

This Board Income Workshop is a strand of the Improving Board Leadership Programme being offered by Business in the Arts: North West & Community Foundation Culture Partnerships
Is your Board not involved in fundraising / income generation? Would you like it to be?
The Board Income Workshop is a half-day open workshop (1.00pm - 5.00 pm)
Objective of the session:
To identify ways in which board members can assist with fundraising and income generation and what organisations can do to support them to do so.
The workshop will look at the role board members play in generating income for arts organisations. It will use case studies and the peer experience in the room to consider what the barriers are for board members; how board members can help and how organisations can best support them to do so.
It is designed as an introduction/start of a process and will get participants thinking about their organisations; the opportunities available and the board's role in exploiting these.
Costs from £40 + VAT per delegate based on organisation turnover. An accompanying board member will receive £20 discount off their place.
Who we are
Improving Board Leadership is a partnership between Business in the Arts:North West, the Culture Partnerships team at Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland. A partnership which together has over 30 years of experience in assessing, developing and advising on areas of governance in the cultural sector.
This course will be run by Adam Lopardo and Ellie Turner of the Community Foundation Tyne & Wear & Northumberland.
Please complete the booking form to make sure of your places - see link below
For other Governance services for the arts in the North of England being delivered by
Business in the Arts: North West & Community Foundation Culture Partnerships
please follow the link http://bit.ly/1jyPQoA
Opportunity Location
Executive Boardroom, Teesside University Darlington
Vicarage Road, Darlington DL1 1JW