Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sat 01 Aug 2015
Big Lottery Fund New Accelerating Ideas Pilot Progrogramme

As part of its new strategic framework ‘People in the lead' which will guide future funding decision making, the Big lottery Fund (BIG) has announced a new pilot programme "Accelerating Ideas".
Accelerating Ideas aims to provide a flexible route to funding for innovative practice that can be adopted and adapted more widely to grow its impact. The pilot is initially calling on ideas and projects focusing on the opportunities and challenges presented by an ageing population in the UK. There is no upper limit for funding requests. BIG expect to fund between 5-10 projects during the pilot period which will be open for ideas until summer 2015. To be eligible for an award you will need to be a legally constituted organisation or partnership. It is expected that most funding will go to partnerships of voluntary, public or private sector organisations, led by a voluntary sector organisation. Unlike other programmes we run we don't have an initial application form for you to download. Instead BIG want to have a conversation with potential applicants.
Potential applicants should contact BIG on general.enquiries@biglotteryfund.org.uk or call the BIG Advice Line on 0345 4 10 20 30; Text Relay: 18001 plus 0345 4 10 20 30 (for those with a hearing or speech impairment). Read more at: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/global-content/programmes/uk-wide/uk-accelerating-ideas-pilot
The Accelerating Ideas pilot will be open for ideas until summer 2015.
For more information visit https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/global-content/programmes/uk-wide/uk-accelerating-ideas-pilot
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 034 5410 2030
Email: general.enquiries@biglotteryfund.org.uk
Website: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/global-content/programmes/uk-wide/uk-accelerating-ideas-pilot