Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 26 Nov 2018
Big Ideas: project themes relating to WW1

Big Ideas delivers community and education projects locally, nationally and globally, tackling big issues and removing barriers to participation.
Community groups are invited to get involved and apply for small-scale funding to run creative activities inspired by project themes relating to WW1.
The six Big Ideas projects currently underway each explore a different aspect of the First World War, from trailblazing women, motherhood and the unremembered Labour Corps, to bell ringers, the RAF and the extraordinary life of Walter Tull - the first man of black heritage to become an officer in the regular British Army.
Each project comes with a free resource pack, which includes activity ideas and interactive information to help you and your group take part in the project and engage other members of the community. Visit the Big Ideas website to explore project themes, download a resource pack and register your interest.
As well as project support there is also small scale funding available (£5-£200) to cover costs related to putting on an event or workshop that is inspired by the Big Ideas programme. The amount of funding available and specifics of who can apply varies slightly depending on the project theme, so read the guidelines for each before making an application.
There is also the opportunity to become a Community Hub if your organisation would like to bring together 10 or more local community groups to work on a project together. Community Hubs could be anything from a school, network organisation or museum to a local town council and will be responsible for organising events and managing related costs. Community Hubs can apply for up to £1,000 through Big Ideas eligible expenses scheme.
Your event must take place before 30 November 2018 to be considered. Applications can be sent in anytime via email and will be processed within 10 working days.
Deadline: rolling deadline until 26 November 2018
For more information visit https://www.big-ideas.org/
Opportunity Location
Email: contact@big-ideas.org
Website: https://www.big-ideas.org/