Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 01 Jun 2022
#Besafebesound campaign - for Events Organisers and Music Venues

Protect UK is the new single source of information relating to Counter Terrorism advice, guidance, campaigns, training and industry specific information. You can access the website at this link: www.protectuk.police.uk and sign up for relevant information.
With the return of live events and Festivals, Protect UK want to share their Festival specific #Besafebesound campaign specifically aimed at businesses, music venues, event organisers and community organisations.
#BeSafeBeSound is a collaboration between Counter Terrorism Policing and the UK’s live music industry, encouraging fans at live music events to recognise and report activity that does not feel right, and to reassure visitors that they are safe and secure when visiting events.
As a security professional you can support the live music industry. There are a number of ways you can also increase your security knowledge to help others be safe and be sound.
Let music listeners know that you are around to help: The more prominent you are the more you can be a key point of contact for them if needed.
Inform people how to report any activity that doesn’t seem right: If you see someone who appears concerned, let them know that you are there to support them.
Speak to venue organisers on promoting the #BeSafeBeSound assets: If there is an opportunity to help a venue further, recommend that they download and promote the Be Safe Be Sound assets for their event from #BeSafeBeSound Campaign.
There are also a number of additional resources that can help support you or your team in refreshing their knowledge on ways to counter terrorism:
ACT Awareness E-learning: The award winning ACT Awareness e-learning is a great resource that takes approximately 1 hour to complete. This e-learning can support you in gaining simple knowledge on how you can help to counter terrorism.
Recognising Terrorist Threats: It is important to know how to recognise critical indicators to all possible attack methodologies. This guidance from CPNI can support you as a security professional with early threat recognition, and furthering the understanding of the associated methodology.
ACT Reporting: It is important to share where people can report suspicious activity. The ACT site is a great resource to signpost members of the public.
We want to thank you for your support in helping music goers to be safe and be sound.
See the website below for full details.
For more information visit https://www.protectuk.police.uk/news-views/BeSafeBeSound?mtm_campaign=BeSafeBeSound%20%28ProtectUK%20Platform%29&mtm_kwd=BeSafeBeSound