The mission of ArtWorks Alliance is simple: better participatory arts. Their values embrace collective support through collaborative action. And their objectives are to:
Build a strategic, partnership network with a distributed leadership model that encourages decisive, collective action
Enable partners in the network to come together to create and run strategic activities
Enable partners and others to share ideas and deep thinking, and to influence the arts and non-arts sectors
How they work:
They are a network, not an organisation. They get together at partner hosted Forums – and virtually in between – to discuss and action what needs doing to make a difference in participatory arts. ArtWorks Alliance work doesn’t get in the way of the day job: it IS the day job. Being a partner helps you be better connected, not busier. As one of their newest partners said:
‘Opportunities to meet, talk, share, learn and have your ideas validated by people who know what you’re talking about is rare. So we’re in.’
Partners are joining all the time and you can also get involved as a supporter or subscriber: find more details at their website below.
For more information visit http://www.artworksalliance.org.uk/
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Website: http://www.artworksalliance.org.uk/