Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 26 Mar 2018
Arts Professional - Pulse Survey... Have your say...

Arts Professional Pulse survey
Have your say…
Ethics in arts sponsorship – The risks of accepting money
Are you worried about ‘artwashing’?
Do arts organisations need ethical fundraising policies?
Isn’t all money ‘dirty’ anyway?
Accepting sponsorship from tobacco, oil and arms companies has landed many arts organisations in hot water. But as the pressure to secure funding from non-public sources increases, can arts organisations afford to be picky about their partners?
This short Pulse survey from ArtsProfessional seeks to uncover the views of arts workers, and find out how organisations are making decisions when faced with ethical and reputational challenges.
Complete our survey and we’ll report back.
Email: editors@artsprofessional.co.uk
For more information visit https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ethics-arts-sponsorship