Just under £10,000 has been awarded to local organisations in the first round of the Arts in the Neighbourhood funding scheme in 2014-15.
Successful organisations include
•Be More Outdoors who are running a series of workshops for young people to produce a series of woven willow and hazel panels called Wild Weave
•Building African Caribbean Communities (BACC) who are holding a Black History Month Celebration Showcase which concludes the month’s recognition activities.
•Let’s Go (Yorkshire) CIC who are extending their Sound System Culture with a National Tour.
•Live Music Now who are running a creative music project for young people with behavioural, social and emotional difficulties.
•Slaithwaite Philharmonic Orchestra for their performance of Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem
•Working Chimp Productions CIC who are putting on a Music Festival at Oakwell Hall
The Arts in the Neighbourhood scheme offers grants between £150 and £2,000 for arts and cultural projects. The deadline for applications to the next round of the Scheme is 30 September 2014. This round of funding is for projects taking place from 1 December 2014 onwards. Please note: if you would like to apply to this round you must have successfully registered with the Kirklees Grants Access Point by the end of July (if you would like to do this please email funding@kirklees.gov.uk or telephone the Funding Team on 01484 414824)
For more information about Arts in the Neighbourhood, please visit www.kirklees.gov.uk/ain.
For more information visit http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/leisure/arts/artsInTheNeighbourhood.aspx