Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 22 Jan 2016
Arts Council Strategic Touring Programme

The next closing date for grant applications to the Arts Council, England Strategic Touring Programme is the 22nd January 2016. The £35 million Strategic touring programme provides in excess of £15,000 for projects that encourage collaboration between organisations, so more people across England experience and are inspired by the arts, particularly in places which rely on touring for much of their arts provision. The funding is available to both organisations and individuals. Partnerships, networks and consortia can also apply. These can include:
• Promoters
• Producers
• Artists
• Agencies
• Companies
• Marketing or audience development specialists
• Local authority representatives
• Any other kind of organisation or individual.
There is no upper limit on the amount of grant funding that can be applied for.
Previous projects supported through the programme include:
• "zeroPlus Theatre" (West Midlands), a Theatre in Education company that wishes to establish a touring network in London, the Midlands, and the South East by touring two new productions that hope to engage South Asian audiences and young people from area of low arts engagement.
• “Tara Arts Group Ltd" (London), an Asian-led London based theatre company that champions creative diversity through cross-cultural theatre.
For more information visit http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/funding/apply-funding/apply-for-funding/strategic-touring-programme