Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 26 Mar 2020
Arts Council England Creative People and Places Fund

Arts Council England to Launch Round 2 of Creative People and Places Fund.
The new funding round will support programmes of cultural activity and engagement in 66 locations across England where people’s involvement in arts and culture is in the bottom third of engagement according to the Active Lives Survey.
The funding is for programmes that support the public in shaping local arts and cultural provision and, in so doing, increase attendance and participation in excellent art and culture. Activities must be delivered over four years and take place between 1 November 2020 and 31 October 2024.
A total of £11.6 million will be awarded in grants during this second funding round and organisations can apply for grants of:
• Between £1 million and £2 million over four years for new programmes which are not part of a Creative People and Places expansion programme.
• Between £750,000 and £1.75 million over four years for places which would be covered by a current Creative People and Places expansion.
It is expected that at least 25% of total project costs should come from other sources.
Consortia that can consist of arts organisations, museums, libraries, amateur groups, and voluntary and community sector groups can apply.
Applications will be accepted from 16 January until 26 March 2020.
For more information visit https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/get-funding/creative-people-and-places